[Video] Florida woman sitting in kitchen when angry neighbor backs SUV through wall
You’re walking down your quiet Florida street when you hear it: a crash loud enough to shake the ground. You look up, and there it is—a Ford SUV buried halfway through a neighbor’s front door. At first, it looks like a freak accident. Maybe someone hit the wrong pedal. But no. The driver starts shouting, and the whole bizarre situation starts to make sense. This wasn’t an accident. It was payback.
“I’m tired of these people f—–– with me!” the driver yelled. “They f—– with me! I’ve had it.”
It turns out the man lives across the street. Deputies arrived and quickly pieced together the situation: this was the boiling point of a year-long neighborhood feud.
The man’s family wasn’t exactly surprised. “They’ve been harassing us for 13 months,” one woman told police. “I knew it was gonna happen.” She accused authorities of ignoring her family’s repeated calls for help. “You guys just kept saying, ‘Well, they can do what they want.’”
What set the driver off this time? Police and TV crews questioned an older woman who lived in the house he hit. She admitted that things escalated the night before. “The older man that lives there came across the street and was yelling at my son not to call his ex-wife [long pause] names.”
So if the “older man” is the driver’s father, this “ex-wife” might just be his mother.
The annoying neighbors, “pulled the tiger’s tail”
The driver didn’t hold back when deputies and firefighters showed up. “Nobody even cares how bad they f— with u,” he shouted. “Pulled the tiger’s tail. It’s like a tiger in a cage.”
Then, almost as if talking to himself, he added: “I’m tired. I’m tired. I f—— lost it.”
Inside the house, the woman police questioned had been feet away when the SUV crashed through her kitchen. “No, I just came out of the kitchen,” she said, gesturing at the hole in her wall. “And that’s the front door, right there.”
She had already filed a battery case against the driver a year earlier, claiming he had attacked her and her son.
Another neighbor shook their head at the chaos. “He’s come over with an axe. He’s come over and told ‘em he’s going to shoot ‘em. And now he does this. Like, how? Does she have to die for them to do something?”
The driver, who appeared under the influence, was arrested on multiple charges: resisting arrest, driving with a suspended or revoked license, and felony criminal mischief.
The quiet street may finally get some peace—but no one’s forgetting this feud anytime soon. You can watch the aftermath of this jaw-dropping incident in the video embedded below: