Experts warn against using this TikTok car hack for clearing icy windshields
TikTok may shut down its US operations just before Inauguration Day 2025. However, the social media outlet has been around for years now and it’s a popular source of vehicle maintenance hacks and car content. However, if they do it wrong, TikTok users might end up wishing they hadn’t followed a hack to clear bothersome ice from their windshields.
A TikTok hack for clearing icy windshields in a hurry has experts worried
A recent TikTok hack suggests that filling a small plastic bag with warm water and placing it on an icy windshield could clear the ice quickly. It seems effective on social media videos, with the bag clearing ice in moments. However, if done improperly, the hack could be an expensive, headache-inducing mistake.
Dexerto reported on a reaction from a UK-based vehicle buying and leasing expert, Graham Conway. Conway, like other automotive experts, cautions against using hot water to clear a windshield in any capacity. “Putting warm water into a sandwich bag before sealing it and dragging the bag slowly across the face of the window is a relatively safe hack,” Conway said. “But if you make the mistake of using red-hot water, you’re asking for trouble.”
Sure, you run the risk of the bag breaking and dumping hot water all over your windshield. As you likely know, throwing hot water onto a frozen windshield is a quick way to shatter your glass. However, the rapid change of temperature, even with a bag between the water and the windshield, could mean cracks.
Conway also hazards drivers against using the TikTok challenge based on the type of bag. “A sandwich bag is smooth, soft, and pliable, and is unlikely to scratch the windscreen’s glass,” Conway said. A more rugged bag, on the other hand, “could end up scarring the windscreen and causing long-term damage to the glass.”
So what can you do to clear your windshield quickly? You can do the following to de-ice your windshield without resorting to a potentially pricey TikTok solution.
- Make sure your windshield wipers are off before starting your car
- Turn on your car’s defroster as your car warms up
- Invest in and use a combination ice scraper and brush
- Use a de-icing spray
You can even create a homemade de-icing liquid with an isopropyl alcohol and water solution. Other car owners have had success with a vinegar solution for final de-icing. However, both vinegar and alcohol-based solutions may damage the finish of your vehicle over time. It’s important to keep your paint clean and clear of your de-icing agent if you wish to keep your finish healthy.