Drunk cop gets DUI arrest, tries telling police ‘I’m a deputy’
Think of those stories and movies wherein a police officer pulls over a belligerent driver. Some of the best examples include one of the most commonly recycled phrases: “Do you know who I am?” Or better yet, “Do you have any idea who my father is?” Yeah, that’s going to work. Well, this drunk police officer thought the best response to a DUI arrest was to try a derivation of those cringe-worthy phrases. However, instead of touting some claim to fame, she told her arresting officers that she was a cop herself.
A drunk cop resigned her position with the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office after getting a DUI arrest
A Sarasota police officer pulled up alongside an idling convertible Audi and observed the driver was “slumped over.” Suspecting that the driver was driving under the influence (DUI), the police officer ordered the suspect to exit her vehicle. “Is everything okay?” the driver said slowly. The officer who pulled her over then explained her observations. “Your speech is slurred. I’m getting the odor of alcohol.”
Body cam footage from the first police officer confirms that the suspect was a deputy with the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office. “I’m not trying to create a problem,” the drunk deputy responded. The 14-year deputy also indicated that her weapon was in her purse at the time.
At one point during the exchange, the offender reportedly asked arresting officers, “Do you understand I’m a deputy?” Still, the officers on the scene requested that the deputy take a Standard Field Sobriety Test (SFST). The SFST is a series of tests, typically three, to evaluate a driver for inebriation. Now, motorists can refuse the tests, but that often results in an arrest.
She refused the SFST and a breathalyzer. Regardless of her job, the arresting officers didn’t pull any punches. A portion of the DUI arrest report read, “The defendant also displayed elements of confusion, another indicator of intoxication,” per the Herald-Tribune.
Authorities say she exhibited inappropriate behavior given the situation as well. For instance, a confused Cadillac driver pulled alongside the officers. He couldn’t tell which route the officers wanted him to take, and the DUI suspect laughed at his confusion.
A police officer getting a DUI arrest isn’t an isolated incident, either. Police in Georgia recently arrested a Bibb County “Deputy of the Year” for a DUI after he drove to a school and started directing nonexistent traffic.