Driver Survives Tanker Landing On Top of Genesis Coupe with 8,500 Gallons of Fuel
We need a feel-good story to end 2021 and we have one right here. How about a driver surviving with only minor injuries after crashing his Genesis coupe with a tanker truck on top carrying 8,500 pounds of fuel. When you look at these horrific images it is hard to believe anyone could survive this. The value of Genesis coupes should increase after people see these images.
What happened to the driver?

This happened on December 28 on the I-55 N/County Line Road in Missouri. According to the Ridgeline Fire Department Facebook page, first responders said the driver received only minor injuries, though those injuries had not been announced.
It looks like the driver actually drove under the tanker. Friction from the collision or sparks could have easily caused the tanker to explode had any of the fuel escaped, which it appears it did not. Nonetheless, the Ridgeland Fire Department called removing the driver from the wreckage a “tedious extraction.” It called the driver’s condition “miraculous.”
The driver was then taken to a local hospital. Four agencies and a wrecker showed up that included the Ridgeland PD, the Mississippi Highway Patrol, Pafford EMS, and JPD. That’s some kind of serious response. But looking at the images, you can see why.
That must be some strong roof

The first responders immediately began cutting the roof off of the Genesis coupe. Someone should save it and display it in a museum. The structure and strength of the A-pillars are a testament to Hyundai engineering.
As we approach the New Year please keep these images in mind as you traverse the highways and byways. If you’ve been drinking, consider an Uber to get home, or at least a designated driver. And if you haven’t been drinking, be extra vigilant as, unfortunately, many will have been.
It’s almost New Year’s Eve-drive responsibily

The National Safety Council estimates that over 400 people will die over the New Year’s Day holiday. Unfortunately, traveling by car has the highest fatality rate of any type of transportation. That is based on fatalities per mile.
With the holidays comes drinking, which is a major contributing factor in vehicle crashes. In 2019, it represented 28 percent of all traffic deaths. For New Year’s Day 2019, it was responsible for 36 percent of fatalities. Impaired driving is anyone driving with a blood-alcohol level of 0.08 g/dL or higher.