Don’t Dismiss the 2017 Chevy Bolt Quite Yet
There seems to be an endless amount of possibilities when it comes to picking a slightly used car. Chances are, you’re looking for something that makes for a reliable daily driver and checks off as many boxes on your ‘wants’ list as possible without breaking through your budget. A monthly budget isn’t the only thing that you should keep in mind when it comes to buying a car because other factors like fuel economy and regular maintenance can break the bank, too. In fact, if you look at all of these costs, it makes sense that the 2017 Chevy Bolt is worth your attention.
Balancing the costs
If you couldn’t guess from the name, the Chevy Bolt is a completely electric car. That may intimidate first-time electric car buyers, but there are some benefits that you should really consider. For one, because the electric motor doesn’t have the same mechanical components and potential for damage, electric cars are cheaper to maintain. No oil changes every so many mile, no fear of using the wrong gasoline octane, and plenty of other costs that you no longer have to cover. Besides that, the obvious money saver here is that you don’t have to pay for gas, ever. Sounds nice, doesn’t it?

Chevy reliability
For a car that you can buy for around $15,000 on the used car market, the Chevy Bolt offers a lot of reliability. If you commute to work, travel for your kid’s soccer tournaments, or just want something you can really rely on, the Bolt is a great option, especially for the price. According to Consumer Reports, you can expect to get as much as 250 miles of range from this model year, meaning you won’t have to stress running out of range while you’re out running your daily errands.

Comfortable and surprisingly spacious
For a car that’s small enough to squeeze into the tightest parallel parking spots and navigate busy roadways, it is surprisingly comfortable and spacious. They may not have the fanciest interior lined with high-end materials, but the minimalist design does fit the futuristic feeling of driving an all-electric car. The Bolt also has options for all of the safety features you could possibly want, such as blind-spot detection, automatic emergency braking, and

It is far from the fanciest option on the market, but there are plenty of things about the 2017 Chevy Bolt that makes it the perfect car for the right driver.