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Kia may not be the most well-known, well-loved, or even well-respected car brand in the world, but it certainly makes good cars. But making good cars doesn’t mean that owners will get what they want out of those cars, and that can lead to them regretting the purchase. Here’s a look at whether or not Kia owners regret buying their car in the first place.

What Consumer Reports had to say about Kia

In general, Consumer Reports found that modern Kia cars are both very reliable and very satisfying for owners to own. That’s because, according to Consumer Reports, these cars both stylish and capable. Not to mention more affordable than its competition. On top of that, they’re reliable and very fuel-efficient, which simply makes it very practical to own one.

In particular, Consumer Reports is very impressed by Kia SUVs like the Telluride. Not only is the Telluride a very reliable car, but Consumer Reports says that Telluride owners are very likely going to be pleased by it. Indeed, the expected owner satisfaction rating for the Telluride is 5 out of 5. 

It’s a similar story for the other cars in Kia’s lineup, such as the Soul. The Soul, according to Consumer Reports, has a great reliability and expected owner satisfaction rating. As a result, most people who are buying a brand-new or relatively new Kia seems to be happy with their choice. 

What Carfax had to say

While Consumer Reports painted a glowing picture for owning a Kia, Carfax didn’t praise the company that much. In Carfax’s consumer satisfaction survey, Kia was not very highly ranked amongst the more famous and beloved carmakers of the world. In that survey, other Asian automakers like Toyota, Honda, and Subaru dominated the top of the list for owner satisfaction. 

Not a single Kia car showed up in the top 30. That said, one car did show up in the top 50, though Carfax didn’t say which models made it in. While this doesn’t seem like a great showing, Carfax’s survey was for owner satisfaction, so being on the list is proof that most owners are happy with their cars. 

Furthermore, Kia was in the same spot that other, larger automakers were at. Carmakers such as Ford, GMC, and Volvo had cars in the same satisfaction range as Kia did. So, what this study from Carfax ultimately says is that some owners definitely regret buying their Kia, but most enjoy it just fine. 

What social media has to say about Kia

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As a post on Reddit showed, some Kia owners had some regret over their purchase, but for a specific reason. As other owners said, driving a Kia is like driving an appliance. It does its job well and it doesn’t really make a fuss over it. It’s a great, reliable car, but it’s not very exciting to drive like other makes and models are. 

That’s really the only common regret about buying a Kia. It’s just a very functional workhorse and it does its job well for a long time. But if you’re in the mood for power, speed, and drifting through tight corners, then buying a Kia will definitely lead to some remorse.

That said, most Americans don’t really care either way if their car can turn on a dime or break speed records. Most Americans want a practical car that will get them from A to B without much hassle.

If you’re that type of person, then buying a Kia will definitely be a great purchase. But if you’re expecting a sports car, then you will probably be sorely disappointed.


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