DC Police Drag Race Then Total Two Patrol Cars
We’ve seen so many headlines over the decades about the police arresting people drag racing that we had to read the headline twice. Yes, two Washington DC, policemen decided that drag racing was a good thing to do. And they were probably more aware than most about the consequences, and sure enough, it happened. Both police cars crashed into each other.
“Yesterday two 6D scout cars were totaled because officers decided to drag race”
Now, MotorBiscuit will try not to get preachy as we relate what happened. “Yesterday two 6D scout cars were totaled because officers instead of fighting crime, patrolling their beats, or engaging the community – decided to drag race each other on Anacostia Avenue at 5 pm in the evening,” reads an email from 6D Commander Durriyyah Habeebullah obtained by Fox5 News. The email was sent to all command staff last Thursday after rumors of the crash became public.

“What does this say to all the members of MPD who are passionate about their job and work hard every day to make a difference? This is not fair to any of us,” the email says. The DC Police have yet to make the incident report public. They say it is because it only provides traffic reports through FOIA.
Bystanders indicated they were going over 60 mph
Sources told Fox5 that the officers were new to the force. Observed drag racing on Anacostia Ave., bystanders indicated they were going over 60 mph. Habeebullah has instructed the command staff to talk to officers about speeding and driving recklessly.
As if police drag racing isn’t bad enough, totaling both police cars is much worse. Once they lost control, they did it in tandem. The officers crashed into each other before plowing through a fence and coming to rest in a field.
“These are not our cars and we are all liable for driving them with negligence”

While pictures of the police cars don’t show a lot of damage, Habeebullah says they’re “totaled.” We’ll have to take her word for it. “These are not our cars and we are all liable for driving them with negligence but most important, we are all impacted by the actions of each other,” she said.
The four officers involved were hospitalized but their injuries are described as “non-life-threatening.” Disciplinary action is pending until they are released from the hospital. We assume the hospital bills will be paid by taxpayers.
And just for some icing on the cake, there’s more. A police van was observed that same day, around the same time, in the same area doing 90 mph. It was headed to the scene of a shooting. The area is heavily residential which makes excessive speeds and racing even more dangerous.