A Dash Cam Is an Essential Piece of Tech for Your Car
Driving on today’s road is a bit, well, tricky. On the one hand, you have a far greater traffic density than in the decades before. On the other hand, the quality of the average American driver is wanting in nearly every way. So, beyond driving a safe vehicle and paying close attention to your surroundings, equipping a dash cam like the Nextbase 622GW can save your bacon. Or vegan bacon. Or whatever it is you like.
A dash cam can help you document the crazy moments on your drives, like wayward wildlife and reckless drivers
It’s a lazy Sunday morning. Precisely when I like to do much of my cruising. However, fewer cars, trucks, and SUVs doesn’t mean that there aren’t distracted or reckless drivers on the road. As such, I was delighted when my dash cam captured a distracted Audi driver nearly sideswiping me in a roundabout.
Well, maybe delighted isn’t the right term. But after the near miss, I was pleased to know that my Nextbase 622GW would have been essential evidence for the police.
In addition to documenting the most dangerous parts of driving on public roads, dash cam footage can aid in your interactions with your insurance provider. For instance, if your provider denies or disagrees with your assertions regarding a specific claim, you can make your footage available to them.

Consequently, your provider may consider the footage when making their decision. Yep, it can help that much. It could be the difference between your rates going up or a simple claim experience.
What’s more, I don’t have to remind you that the United States is one of the most litigious countries on Earth. As such, having dash cam footage showing your innocence in a crash or incident can stop a frivolous lawsuit in its tracks.
In my experience, it’s also a fun way to show my family some of the best parts of my drives. For instance, my Nextbase 622GW captured my latest interaction with the deer of Bourbon Country. In this case, it was an indecisive family of deer at a road crossing.

Now, the popular tactic when approaching a deer at high speed is to accelerate, instigate a weight transfer, and hit the deer when the collision is unavoidable. However, in my spirited drive around the country roads, I saw the deer early. So, I slowed to a stop and watched the young deer follow momma’s cues.
In addition to saving my vehicle and the young deer, the interaction resulted in some sweet footage of the daredevils. Oh, and it warranted a solid “aww” from my wife.