Crazy Web Suggestions For Car Sickness
Don’t you just love the interweb? Just type in any question and a flood of helpful answers come gushing forth. Also, a tidal wave of crazy nonsense-that some out there actually believe. Take car sickness, for instance. You know, like when your child or partner starts feeling nauseous from the movement of the car? You won’t believe some of the crazy suggestions that some of those posting swear work.
Below are some “suggestions” we picked up from the web. After you have a good laugh, we’ll include what experts say to do if this happens to you or someone you’re traveling with. Then we’ll have suggestions for how to prevent it.
Warning: don’t try any of these suggestions without consulting a physician, please.
“Pull a blanket over my head and read with a light. I just close my eyes and lean my head back until the headache goes away.”
“Hold your thumb in the center of your wrist for 30 seconds about an inch down from your palm. Like you’re taking your pulse but you don’t know how to do it. That should help.”
“Ginger tablets are somewhat popular among military pilots.”
“Put your phone away.”
“Distract yourself. As long as you can do so until you’ve got fresh air again you shouldn’t puke. If you don’t think about nausea you won’t get nauseous.”
“Walk instead of drive.”
“My parents used to stop and I’d run around in the ditch for a couple of minutes.”
“Cut an orange in half and suck on it”
“Avoid sugar before car trips. Even grapes and yogurt can trigger it.”
“Gingernut biscuits. My parents gave me a pack on a long drive and it kinda worked.”

“I travel with my kid holding a bucket in the car.”
“Always have some bags in the car seat slots so if a friend doesn’t feel well they have an easy way to vomit.”
“We always keep dog poop bags in the car for barfing.”
“Grocery bags with handles will hook onto ears nicely for a hands-free puking experience.”
Now for what the experts say:
Look at the horizon. This reorients the inner sense of balance by providing a visual reaffirmation of motion.
Keep eyes closed and napping. Especially doing this at night this resolves the input conflict between the eyes and the inner ear.
Chewing. It has effectiveness in reducing the effects of the conflict between vision and balance.
Fresh air. Fresh, cool air relieves the sickness, though it is likely this is related to avoid odors.
Ginger. Available in tablet form or just a fresh stem chewed relieves symptoms.
Preventing car sickness:

Sit in a position so the eyes can see the same motion the body and inner ear feels.
Sit in the front seat and look at distant scenery or the horizon.
On a boat go up on the deck and watch the horizon.
On a plane sit by a window and look outside. If you choose a seat over the wings the motion there is minimized.
Do not sit in a seat facing backward.
Do not read if you start experiencing motion sickness.
Do not watch or talk to another person experiencing motion sickness.
Avoid strong odors and spicy or greasy foods before traveling.