Car Plastered With ‘Selfish Idiotic Parking’ Signs for Bad Park Job
Parking can be a contentious issue, especially in congested areas where available spots to park cars are limited. In an earlier article, we detailed a controversy in which a woman angered her neighbors by parking in two spaces — but she’s allowed to do it. Now, we cover another unusual parking controversy. Following a bad park job, a driver in the United Kingdom returned to their car to find it plastered with “Selfish Idiotic Parking” signs.
Liverpool driver parks by homeowner’s garbage can, preventing it from getting collected

Many drivers are guilty of a bad park job. Much of the time, it’s harmless. However, a bad park job is a problem when a car disrupts traffic, prevents another vehicle from moving — or in the case of a Liverpool, England resident, blocks a garbage can.
A driver parked a Vauxhall Corsa on East Prescot Road in the Dovecot district of Liverpool. Apparently, the driver parked the car near a homeowner’s garbage can. This prevented the garbage can from getting collected. Along with the inconvenience of uncollected garbage, the homeowner claims they had to pay money in extra charges.
Driver finds ‘Selfish Idiotic Parking’ signs on car
The homeowner was angry about the inconvenience and money that they had to pay — and they communicated their frustrations in a very unusual way. After returning to their car, the driver found signs plastered all over it with the heading “SELFISH IDIOTIC PARKING” angrily written in all caps. There are also four exclamation points for good measure. Additionally, the signs have a note that describes the “parking injustice.”
In a tweet, a user wrote, “The sun getting to people in Dovecot,” and shared photos of the car and the parking signs:
“Parking right next to a bulging skip that’s due to be collected today has cost me a lot of time and money. At 0803hrs this morning you parked in front of my property blocking an obviously bulging skip that was due to be collected today. I have spent hours knocking on every house and asking in the shop about the owner. It’s now 1400hrs and it’s still blocking the skip; I will now have to pay extra charges because of your selfish stupidity!!!!”
‘Selfish Idiotic Parking’ signs elicit strong reactions on Twitter
The “Selfish Idiotic Parking” signs drew strong reactions from Twitter users. As reported by Irish Mirror, the responses were divided.
Please note: These Twitter comments are opinions and don’t necessarily mean that either the driver or the homeowner were right or wrong for their actions:
- “It’s not illegal to park in front of somebody’s property.”
- “Unless it was blocking a dropped [curb]. They never made that clear.”
- “I understand you perfectly. A lot of people use to park in a selfish, barbaric way everywhere, not only in your country.”
- “Won’t be easy getting that duct tape off with the heat melting it.”
- “Think you might be getting a bill for car repairs too.”
Is it illegal to park in front of a trash can?
In most locations, it’s not illegal to park in front of a trash can where parking is otherwise legally allowed. Some municipalities have alternate parking on trash days, though, where parking on one side of the street is not permitted on the day that it’s collected.
Also, as detailed by Yard Pit, even if parking in front of a garbage can is legal, it’s best to avoid doing it — out of consideration to the sanitation workers. Parking near a garbage can makes it difficult for sanitation workers to collect the trash.
Yard Pit recommends that drivers give at least six feet of space from a garbage can when parking a car. Also, to be on the safe side, it suggests you leave a distance of around two cars from the trash can.