Canadian RVs Are Sneaking Into the U.S. Using This 1 Major Loophole
Let’s face it, Canada is a beautiful yet alarmingly cold country during the winter months. As a result, plenty of Canadians embark on RV road trips into the U.S. seeking warmer climates. However, the arrival of COVID-19 means the land border with Canada is currently shut. In response, determined RV enthusiasts have found one major loophole to get into the U.S., says The Washington Post.
Are Canadians sneaking their RVs into the U.S.?

The closure of the land border limits all non-essential travel on land. However, The Washington Post reports that Canadians can still fly over the border into the U.S. As a result, the only hurdle for these winter road trips is physically getting the RVs through the U.S.-Canada border. This is where tow trucks and shipping companies come into play. Since towing companies are considered an essential business, they can freely transit between the U.S. and Canada. If you’re guessing where this story is going, you’re exactly right.
The Washington Post reports that Canadian travelers have begun shipping their RVs across the border to partake in a U.S. road trip. The families then fly over the border and retrieve their RV on the other side. The Washington Post even went as far as interviewing some of these sneaky travelers and found very similar stories. In short, the miserable winters in Canada mean that people will do almost anything to escape.
Transporting RVs across the border means big business

As you’d expect, towing or shipping an RV into the U.S. isn’t exactly easy or cheap. As a result, The Washington Posts reports that various towing companies have seen their businesses spike in traffic since the border was closed. The border will remain closed at least until January 21st, 2021. Since this likely means missing any holidays, it seems RV enthusiasts are eager to head south.
One towing company told The Washington Post that it is conducting as many as four U.S. border crossings per day to transport RVs. Since these towing companies are essential businesses, they can transit freely and legally as many times as they want.
Oddly enough, The Washington Post reports that many of the people heading to the U.S. aren’t even the typical crowd you’d associate with RVs. In fact, a majority seem to be young Canadian families looking to spend the holidays in locations they can more freely enjoy than being stuck at home indoors.
Is this border loophole actually more dangerous?

While the closing of the border is meant to promote safety and reduce the spread of COVID-19, one towing company manager disagrees. In an interview with The Washington Post, Cory Rushinko, general manager of Bayview Towing, claims the loophole leads to a more dangerous situation. This is because flying over the border and collecting an RV on the other side means coming in contact with plenty of people. If these families could drive across, they would be comparatively safer, says Rushinko.
Since this U.S. RV border crossing is completely legal, The Washington Post reports that currently, there are no fines associated. However, if this trend continues over the next few weeks, we may see the Canadian government step in. For now, it seems the Canadians are coming in big numbers.