Can the Toyota RAV4 Really Go the Distance?
No one recommends buying a car with higher mileage, but that doesn’t mean we don’t take some interest in them. Mileage on a car can affect value heavily, especially when you’re looking at over one hundred thousand miles on the odometer. Seeing a number of vehicles with higher mileage reassures us that the car is capable of lasting impressively high miles, so a quick search of used cars can often show you how long a car will really last. For the older years of the Toyota RAV4, those odometer numbers seem to get pretty high.
Higher mileage and higher quality
Driving a Toyota, we have a lot of expectations for reliability and durability. It isn’t uncommon to see cars from the brand, like the Corolla or Camry, on the roads years past their production date. This speaks to the quality of the brand great because they are able to last year after year and tens of thousands of miles. When we consistently see a certain year, make, and model of a car reaches 200,000 miles, it usually speaks volumes about the quality of that car. For older years of Toyota RAV4, we seem to see them on the used car market with this excessively higher mileage.

Minimal maintenance
Keeping up with standard maintenance is an important part of ensuring your car lasts as long as you need it to. Oil changes at the intervals determined in your car’s user manual are only a small part of maintenance. Luckily for the less mechanically inclined, every car comes with a user manual with interval instructions on the specific maintenance required. The older, higher-mileage versions of the Toyota RAV4 shows that with standard maintenance, the car can last well over 200,000 miles.

The affordable Toyota RAV4
Part of what makes the Toyota RAV4 so great is that it sits at an affordable price point both new and used. If you are looking to buy one slightly used, or even heavily used, you can rest assured in knowing that regardless of how high the mileage is on the odometer, the car might still have a significant amount of life still left in it, without requiring extensive repairs. If you are looking to buy one new, you can feel good knowing that the car will still be in good, running condition for however long you chose to own it.

From what we can see on the used car market, the previous model years of the Toyota RAV4 are completely able to reach higher mileage, and truly able to go the distance.