Watch a California tanker lose 1,000 gallons of red wine after a man wearing only underwear jumps on board
A semi-truck driver was minding his own business on California’s Highway 99, a stretch of north-south interstate cutting through the state’s center. In Modesto, a Honda Accord pulled in front of the tanker and put on its hazards. The truck driver, assuming something was wrong with the Honda, pulled over to the shoulder behind them to help if needed. You just can’t make up what happened next. Cameras mounted in the truck caught the whole thing.
The male Honda driver exited their vehicle…wearing only their underwear. And I mean no shoes, either. While the motorist moved in bare feet to pop open his sedan’s trunk, the truck driver didn’t feel right staying put.
As the trucker got back into a moving lane, though, the Honda driver moved quickly. Rather than stay with their car, the motorist runs after the semi-truck. He hops on a ladder mounted to the side of the tanker. Oh, and by the way…this is all while he’s still just wearing underwear. Don’t worry, though. It gets weirder.
The Honda driver somehow looks like he knows exactly what he’s doing
After hitching up on the tanker, footage shows the motorist expertly bending right down underneath the tanker as it gets up to freeway speed. You might be wondering why in the world he’d do that.
It was to unleash a fountain of red wine, straight into his mouth.
The tanker truck operator sees some unexpected action on his dash. The load gauge showed the tank losing hundreds of gallons of cargo. The Honda driver had opened a valve underneath the rig, releasing its stores of red wine. Then they started chugging.
The trucker immediately phoned the California Highway Patrol.
A CHP officer told a local news outlet that in all the thousands of calls he’s listened to, this was in his top 10 wildest.
After the motorist’s arrest, the trucking company weighed the rig. It lost 1,000 gallons of red wine in the May 2020 ordeal. About 5,000 bottles worth of wine ended up on Highway 99, then.