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Anyone who’s been to Brooklyn, New York knows it’s a busy city. Many eateries have small storefronts and outdoor structures with chairs so customers can sit and eat. However, a new law passed by the city says restaurants can no longer have sheds or structures outside of their business.

The mandate orders businesses to dismantle outside seating structures by November 29. Businesses keeping them up past that date face a $500 first-time fine and a $1,000 for each additional day the shed remains.

Massimo Levegia and Nick Baglivo co-own L’Industrie Pizzeria on 2nd and Williamsburg, and customers appreciated a place to get out of the rain or snow while eating pizza. Another restaurant inspired the two by renovating a retired trolley car with tables and lighting for customers.

“We saw that it was a cool idea, you know, to buy a bus and then park it legally in the street,” Levagia told ABC 7.

“When you’re a small shop like this you fit 7 to 8 people and you get an extra 20 to 30 seats it makes all the world of a difference,” said his partner Baglivo.

Like the other restaurants, the business partners renovated the bus to have tables, ambient lighting, and solar panels to charge everything. They both said customers were happy having a place to sit, even if it was a bus.

“We move like two days a week for street cleaning and it was just something natural. You know, people don’t even ask. They just walk outside the pizzeria and they get inside the bus,” said Lavegia.

Then Brooklyn issued a warning for the bus

The two decided they could have their cake and eat it, too, because they parked the bus legally in front of their restaurant and didn’t consider it a structure.

“I mean we can’t have a structure. It’s not a structure. It’s a legally parked car. Just so happens people go eat pizza in it,” said Baglivo.

The warning from the city worried them. The city promises to fine businesses that don’t comply with the strict banning of outdoor seating rules. Officials also warned the restaurant with the renovated trolley.

“It’s not going to be something affordable for us to keep like 30 or 40 employees and not have enough space. You know, the business is going to slow down for sure,” said Lavegia. The two are keeping the bus’s doors closed for the next several days per the warning.


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