Bad Highways Cause Hawaii Drivers to Break the Bank on Car Repairs
Hawaii is one of the most beautiful states in the country. There are beautiful beaches, tons of surfing, and a rich culture. However, Hawaii also has some of the worst roads and highways. The conditions are so bad that residents add quite a bit to their car repair budgets each year. Hawaii isn’t the only state with bad roads, but it is one of the most notorious.
Hawaii has some of the worst roads and highways in the country
America’s system of roads and highways has a pretty big problem when it comes to quality. According to a study by Lending Tree, 20% of the nation’s roads are in unacceptable condition. This is the case for 5% of the bridges in the country. These worsening conditions cost drivers an average of $556 each year in additional repair costs.

Unfortunately, these numbers are significantly higher for roads and highways in Hawaii. According to the same study, about 40% of the roads in the state are unacceptable. Additionally, the National Transportation Research Group(TRIP) found that 69% of the major roads in Hawaii were of poor or mediocre quality.
There are many reasons why roads in any state heavily deteriorate over time. Heavy use, lack of funds for repair, and harsh weather conditions are among the most common.
This leads to expensive car repairs
Hawaii’s bad roads and highways cause drivers in the state to spend more on car repairs than the average driver. The previously mentioned study found that drivers in Hawaii spend an average of $764 each year. However, some reports have this number closer to $1,000. Of course, much of this cost goes to tires, suspension, and the overall undercarriage of the vehicle.
It’s also important to note that poor road conditions cause vehicles to use more fuel. There are many reasons why this could happen. One is that bad roads can cause tires to deflate, which lowers fuel economy. Another is that your car needs more energy to move when the roads are in undesirable conditions, which in turn uses more fuel. Regardless of the reason, this is an extra cost for drivers.
Of course, there’s not much people can do to protect their cars against bad roads and highways. This is especially true in a state like Hawaii because so many of the highways are in poor condition. However, slowing down over potholes is one method people try. Another is safely avoiding potholes when possible. Luckily, there are efforts in place to improve the infrastructure in the state.