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Last year, a Tesla employee visited a famously haunted farmhouse with his brother and fiancé. Of course, he brought along his own EV. The home, nicknamed the Old Arnold Estate, was built around 1736 in Harrisville, Rhode Island. By the 1970s, when the Perron family moved in, the house already had a “spiritual” reputation…including a cemetery next to the residence.

The family lived on the farm until 1980 and says they experienced continual paranormal activity during their stay. One of the Perron daughters, Andrea, recalled their strange encounters in a series of books she started writing in 2007. The estate was also featured in the 2013 supernatural horror hit “The Conjuring.” Since then, thousands have visited the estate, seeking a brush with another dimension.

Fast-forward to 2023, and a Tesla owner shared their recorded drive through the property’s graveyard…and it’s undeniably eerie.

In the clip, the driver and two passengers watch the EV’s front screen, which has object detection. The Tesla should be able to tell the difference between a pedestrian and an inanimate object, like a gravestone.

Instead, the Tesla clearly shows people standing and walking around the cemetery. The figures seem to face away from the vehicle at first, then turn and even walk toward it. One walks slowly past them.

Suddenly, many figures appear, including a group of them…on bicycles?

Creepy, sure. However, the footage was quickly debunked in the comments. Rewinding back to 00:05, you can see a (real) woman studying a stone with her cell phone illuminated in her hand. As such, there probably were other real people in the cemetery. And anyway, whoever filmed the Tesla GPS screen never lifted the camera to show that the graveyard was free of other tourists exploring the property.

In fact, a Facebook post of the same clip shows that someone was indeed outside the car and even got back in after the passengers noticed the figures surrounding them.

Still, this isn’t the first time modern cars seem to detect the deceased.

In January, footage from another driver’s GPS screen while parked in a cemetery in broad daylight circulated.

Car Is Detecting Entities In a Graveyard
byu/Eqolee inThatsInsane

Some commenters claimed it was an Easter Egg built into every Tesla to “spook” folks.

In a way, it’s interpreted as Tesla ‘jokingly’ turning cemeteries into Pokémon GO landscapes.

However, the car isn’t a Tesla. Also, why would Tesla even do that?

As it turns out, Tesla followers have pointed out the EV’s collision detection glitches for years. The argument goes that a lot of modern collision sensors can’t actually tell what is around them. Instead, the sensors detect a nearby object’s size and dimensions and interpret those readings into pre-programmed shapes, like a person on a bike.

In 2021, Redditors completely dismissed the frequently reported “phenomenon” posted by an OP for “attempting” to go viral.

People keep seeing ghosts on Tesla screens in graveyards
by inGhosts

While many explain away the paranormal Tesla activity as collision sensor confusion, it’s certainly entertaining folks when it happens.


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