7 Tips and Tricks for RVing Safely with Pets
One of the best parts about owning an RV is having the ability to bring your four-legged friend along. If you’re new to driving in an RV with a pet, there are many tips and tricks to learn before you hit the open road. After all, you want to make traveling with your pet a great experience.
1. Make sure you keep your pet in a crate while driving

Unfortunately, you won’t find seatbelts for your dog or cat inside your RV. According to KOA Blog, you will want to ensure your pet is in a carrier with a comfortable blanket and favorite toy while in motion. This ensures your pet is as safe as possible.
2. Pack a pet bed—you will thank me later!
Some animals don’t like leaving the house at first, and that’s OK. Luckily, you can help make the process easier with familiar smells from home. Allowing your pet to sleep in its bed from the house will make them feel much more comfortable.
3. Don’t forget the food and water on your RV travels
Whether you’re leaving for a weekend or a month, make sure you pack plenty of food and water for your fur baby. Remember, this wouldn’t be the right time to test a new or unfamiliar food brand with your pet.
4. A quick vet check-up is important before going on your RV travels
Take your pet to the vet before you go to ensure all vaccines are up to date. While you are there, you can discuss other health precautions you should take if your dog gets carsick is a great thing to discuss, according to The Wandering RV. Having your pet micro-chipped is strongly recommended. If your pet does get lost, also make sure you have an up-to-date picture of them on your phone!
5. Always ask about pet policies
If you are staying at a campground, be sure to ask about their pet policies before you make a reservation. Is it pet friendly? Do they allow your specific breed? The good news is you can usually look this type of information up on their website. Always be prepared!
6. Look up all local emergency information
Before you head out, or when you first arrive at an RV campsite, make sure you look up local vets in the area. Then, after you conduct a Google search, save the number as a contact. That way, you can easily access it if needed.
7. Don’t leave those protective items behind
Be sure to pack whatever your pet needs to stay comfortable, like towels, travel water bottles, playpens, an LED harness, and raincoats. You never know when it could rain or when your dog decides it wants to roll around in the mud.
Can you RV travel with pets?
Yes, you can travel with pets in an RV. For safety purposes, crate them while the RV is in motion. You will want to schedule a check-up before leaving for your trip and ensure your pet is up to date on its shots. And don’t forget to bring all the “pet essentials” with you. Most importantly, have a wonderful time making memories with your pet!