5 Used Porsches You Can Buy For A Bargain
Buying a brand new Porsche isn’t necessarily an affordable option for every consumer, but that doesn’t mean owning a Porsche has to be a pipe dream. Porsche is better known for its lineup of sports cars and racing heritage, and while there are a lot of affordable options to pick up your own weekend coupe, there are also some practical options that are a bargain by the brand as well.
The Porsche 944 turbo
The Porsche 944 was once considered the “poor mans Porsche” but that doesn’t mean it was an all-around great car. While it was a front-engine Porsche, this lightweight sports car was, and still is a bargain, and you can find them on the market for around $30,000 depending on the year, mileage, and condition.
Porsche Panamera
If you’re looking for something more practical, you can turn to the Porsche Panamera, a full-sized sedan option that offers just as much power and luxury as the brands more popular sports cars. You can buy the first generation Panamera for a bargain, and you can find newer generations for a fraction of the original price once they’re just a few years old.

The value of Panameras can vary greatly depending on where you live and what condition you are looking to buy a car in, but depending on the year and mileage you can sometimes find them as low as $15,000. If you’re looking for something a little newer, some of the more modern generations can range downwards of $30,000 in price, a steep drop from the original MSRP.
1st generation Porsche Cayman
The Cayman is one of the more popular modern-day Porsche sports cars, and you’d be surprised to know you can find first-generation Caymans on the used-car market for less than $20,000.
On occasion, you can even find newer Caymans on the market for a great price, and better yet even in recent years, you can still find them with a manual transmission.
The forgotten Porsche 914
Many people seemed to have forgotten about the Porsche 914, but it is a great option to get a classic Porsche that stands out from the crowd. The 914 has some crazy features and aesthetics that make it one of the most unique-looking older Porsches you will find, and all for around $10,000.

1st generation Porsche Cayenne
Porsche isn’t just great at making a luxury sports car, they also have a select few SUV options as well, and the 1st generation Cayenne is even more affordable than most brand new SUVs.
Whether you are looking for a fun sports car or a luxury sedan or SUV, there are a lot of options for buying a used Porsche for an affordable price. One important thing to keep in mind when buying a used Porsche isn’t just the car’s sticker price, but also how much the car is going to cost to maintain because while Porsche isn’t the most expensive brand on the market to keep up, they definitely aren’t the cheapest either.