103-Year-Old Woman Gets Fined By Italian Police, Says She’ll Buy A Vespa
The elderly drive every day across the planet. No secret or surprise there. However, every once in a while you hear about a brazen senior citizen who can’t be stopped from hitting the road and doing their thing. Such is the case with a 103-year-old woman and her fine from the Italian police. Better yet, after the fine, the unstoppable old woman joked that she’d buy a Vespa to stay mobile.
Italian police likely didn’t expect they’d have to fine a 103-year-old woman for breaking the law
Italian police responded to reports of dangerous driving in Bondeno, a community in Ferrara, Northern Italy. Safety-related reports are common calls for law enforcement, but the driver the Polizia found behind the wheel was anything but typical. It was Giuseppina Molinari, an old woman of 103 driving on an expired license.
Italian police responded to the unsafe driving reports near the center of Bondeno in the early morning. However, when they interacted with Molinari, they discovered the old Italian woman was driving an uninsured car on an expired license.
According to The Guardian, Italian drivers must complete and pass a medical exam every two years following 80 years of age. If an elderly individual doesn’t meet the requirements, their license will not qualify for renewal. Consequently, Italian police fined Molinari for the transgressions and took the old woman home.

The defiant old woman says she’ll ‘buy a Vespa’ to keep moving
Defiant to the last, Giuseppina Molinari told a local newspaper that she won’t take the stationary life. “I will buy myself a Vespa,” Molinari said about her mobility prospects moving forward. It’s a fun idea; she won’t need the same licensing as riders on more powerful motorcycles.
However, in the meantime, the 103-year-old Italian woman will visit friends and carry out her daily activities with a bicycle. Still, you have to admire her commitment to staying mobile. We can’t wait to see Molinari tearing it up on her Vespa. Well, should she do so without crossing the Polizia again, that is.